In memory of Mr. Alfio Villa - VILLA SISTEMI MEDICALI
20 février 2018

In memory of Mr. Alfio Villa

Saturday, February, 17, Mr. Alfio Villa passed away. Mr. Villa was the founder of our Company that has proudly carried his name for 60 years.

Alfio Villa was a bright example of Italian Enterpreneurship, always ready and able to "do" and achieve excellence in his field. He was highly recognized and esteemed by everyone whose path he crossed, be they Customers, Employees, Competitors or Friends.

Those who had the fortune to know him will not forget his positive and innovative mindset and the uncompromised dedication he had for his Company and for his Employees, to whom he dedicated his whole life, together with his beloved daughter Mariacristina.

Thank you Mr. Villa. RIP

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In ottemperanza al d.lgs. n.24 del 2023, Villa Sistemi Medicali S.p.A. ha implementato il
portale di segnalazione Integritywatch.

Il portale consente ai soggetti identificati dal decreto di poter formulare segnalazioni scritte e orali
in conformità con quanto previsto dalla legge.

Ai sensi della normativa citata, la società fornisce ogni tutela e protezione per il segnalante ed i soggetti
a lui riferibili (come individuati dal decreto legislativo) da ogni forma di atto discriminatorio o ritorsivo
derivante dalla segnalazione, garantendogli tutti i diritti previsti per legge.

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